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Geographical center of Ukraine

Production of paving slabs and cobblestones from labradorite for the art object "Heart of Ukraine" in Cherkasy region.

The art object "Heart of Ukraine" is located at the point corresponding to the geographical center of Ukraine (49°01′39″ N. 31°28′58″ S.). It is a rounded platform with a diameter of 25.5 meters, along the perimeter of which there are monumental sculptures of wings. Each pair of wings symbolizes a region of Ukraine (total of 24 units). The host region (Cherkassk) is represented by a gnomon in the middle. The drawing of paving (made of labradorite) involves the use of embedded graphic details, signs of a sundial. In the center of the composition under the glass is a "lens", under which the symbolic heart of the country is preserved on a black background.